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Indian lungs most severely affected by COVID-19: Study

Updated: Feb 28th, 2024

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Indian lungs were the most affected by the COVID-19 infections in the world, creating problems like shortness of breath and many more, according to a recent study.

The study, conducted by The Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore, examined the lungs of 207 patients and was published in the journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) Global Public Health.

The study found that even two months after recovering from the COVID-19 infection, Indians were found to have respiratory problems.

Of the patients that took part in the study, 49.3% were found to have problems with shortness of breath and 27.1% with cough. 

The study compared the data from studies conducted in China and Europe. Both the places, China and Europe, had a lesser proportion of these problems than those faced by the Indian patients.

For example, in Italy, 43% of people had shortness of breath and less than 20% had a cough. 

DJ Christopher, professor of pulmonary medicine at CMC Vellore who led the study, said the study showed that Indian patients had more affected lung function than patients from other countries.

“It is impossible to know the exact reasons why the lungs of Indians were more affected, but compared to other countries, India had a higher proportion of patients with other diseases,” he said.

The study revealed that 72.5% of the patients had diabetes, hypertension and other lung diseases. A lung test showed that the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood was affected in 44.4% of patients, because of which many were forced to be kept on ventilators.

Another major factor that damages the lungs can be air pollution which damages our lungs and also reduces immunity, said a Delhi-based pulmonologist, Vivek Nangia.

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